Help with printing labels from a CK71

Good morning all,


I’m running Epicor 905.702a and a SQL DB. We’re attempting to use CK71 handheld’s for our jobs on the shop floor. We use Active Directory to add/maintain users, clients etc. Epicor told us that we can print barcode labels from the handhelds and all we had to do was add the printers and handheld users to our terminal server, assign each user to a barcode printer, then follow the steps for reporting quantities. I did all that and went through the process of reporting quantities on the handheld. All went well until it came time to print the tag. When I click Print nothing happens. No label prints. I understand that it is a Crystal Report that I will have to modify to fit our 4 X 6.5 landscape label but at least something should print out right? Is there something else I need to do?


Can someone please help?


Patricia Hall

Systems Analyst


T: 256.978.6294

C: 256.366.8697

F: 256.383.8224

E: phall@...