I was wondering if anyone ever developed a stock status report for Vantage 8.03 that works for historical dates. If so, would you be willing to share?
Steven G.
I was wondering if anyone ever developed a stock status report for Vantage 8.03 that works for historical dates. If so, would you be willing to share?
Steven G.
Steve, you are able to run the Stock Status report in Vantage 8 with an “as
of date”. Is that what you mean?
Mark Wagner
Sr. Partner
Capstone Alliance Partners 888.597.2227 Ext. 71
<888.597.2227%20Ext.%20714>2 | 904.412.6847 mwagner@capstoneap.com (cell)
| www.capstoneap.com
Yes , i have recently created a external BAQ, which calculates the stock status on “As of date”. It works fine as compared to Original Stock status Report in epicor. If you intrested, i can share that SQL view and DashBoard.
Hello Prakash ,
We also have a similar requirement . will you be able to share the View and Dashboard ?
Be CAREFUL here guys.
Going back in time to calculate On-Hand totals can be done.
However, If you are trying to go back in time to calculate Costs? Then I don’t know of any way to do that.
To solve this issue I have setup a BAQ that exports every night to a network share that includes part costs. That way you can accurately reference your Stock Status costs for any given day.
Thanks everyone. Dave, I think I like your idea the best. Would you be willing to share the BAQ you use to do the nightly exports?
Steven G.
Steven G.
Just some extra words of caution …
Stock Status Reports are susceptible to back dated transactions.
PO receipts are a good example. It’s not uncommon for us to enter the receipts on the following day, and back date them.
The built in SSR manages these when you specify the particular date you want the SSR for (but as noted above, it does not account for changed costs).
Exporting an SSR (via QOH & current cost) everyday, won’t necessarily match running the built in SSR. But you would at least have the daily cost for each part.
Hi DaveOlender,
Thanks for sharing this it made quite some stuff clear
if i may make a remark.
On the Receipts change >0 to <>0.