History/ Future Tracking of Made to Order Subassemblies

I am trying to figure out how to track the history of subassemblies that where made in jobs. Most of these subassemblies should be set up as nonstock, qty bearing, and backflushed. I have tried Part Transition History Tracker and Part Advisor but it is not appearing on there.

I am also trying to figure this out in reverse and seeing the upcoming production of these subassemblies through Job Manager but there is no demand for them, only the materials.

Is this due to the way parts are set up or is there different app that can help solve this?

If the part was made as a subassembly on the job, there wont be any parttran records. It only exists as wip during the life of that job. you can look at the table erp.JobAsmbl. anything that is Assembly 0 is the top level job part, any other Assembly numbers are subassemblies on your jobs.

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Welcome @elange !!

You will only see subassembly demand if they are marked as Plan As Assembly. This setting makes MRP create separate jobs for the subassemblies. If they are set up as Pull As Assembly, they will just be a subassembly to the 0.


If you are using MRP, you could look at the MRP jobs to see your future demand using that same table.


I think you’ll find there’s only a PartTran record if the subassembly gets received to stock for some reason. This would not normally happen on a Pull as Assembly subassembly.

I’m not sure what sort of history you are after, but JobAsmbl might have what you are after or at least be a place you could start.

You could probably also extrapolate future usage from the same place based how the data looks.

Thank you! This will have to be filtered a bit but I can make this work!


Welcome aboard @elange :slight_smile: