I am not finding a way to do a physical inventory on supplier managed inventory. Am I missing something?
I am not finding a way to do a physical inventory on supplier managed inventory. Am I missing something?
How is the supplier inventory set up? Does it have its own warehouse? etc…
It is its own warehouse with one supplier managed bin. I have a dashboard we use for pre-counting, but looking for something more formal.
You should be able to initialize a physical on that warehouse then, no? All counts are by warehouse. Send count forms to supplier, have them fill it out and return it. Then enter counts. Audit discrepancies as needed. Then post.
Should be pretty simple unless you wanted to get fancy and use the API to connect to some outside portal.
I did initialize but only got the two items in standard bins.
That is why I posted thinking maybe like the managed stock status report there was a initialize managed physical I was not seeing.
Hmm. Turns out the system intentionally ignores 2nd party managed/owned bins. TIL.
Just as an FYI, we have a fair amount customer supplied material on site. We give it its own part# (to differentiate it from stock we might own) with a $0 cost (to prevent it from inflating inventory value) and a UD checkbox that flags the part as CSM. We keep them in “normal” bin.
If we have our material stored off site at a supplier, it’s still a normal bin. We expect the supplier to count when requested.
In both cases, the flagged parts are manually assigned an ABC code to control frequency of cycle counts (we don’t do full physicals anymore).
The only use case I see for non-standard bins is if you’re truly hands off in terms of management. It seems that’s the intent here.
They will be hands off once we get going, but we have be sure I imported them correctly into Epicor to know if there were wrong in the old system or I had a DMT issue.