I’m lost. I’ve tried adding a ton of tables, relationships, etc, but cannot seem to get the linking right. We want to add ShipTo to our ShopLoadReports (which use the ShopLoadReport data definition in E9). Since it was a system Data Definition, I made a duplicate so that I could modify it (this is correct, right?). But, I cannot figure out how to make my way to the ShopTo table via the linking.
The bulk of the entries will indeed be Make Direct (this is all we need the ShipTo for). The remaining entries will be just stock, so those lines can simply show a blank.
Thank you so much! It got me really, really close. I have some additional data now coming through that I need to figure out.
Also, the JobOper > JobProd only has the ability to link JobNum (AssemblySeq and OpSeq are not available in JobProd)… should I be linking via other columns?
JobProd is for linking Demand with Supply, not internal job structures. the demand link (job prod) links your job via Order/Line/Release. Your make direct ship to information is typically held at the sales order header level (can be overridden at the release level). Jobs can be made as a one to many (several jobs can supply a release) at the release level. Jobhead contains the output Part Number that is a one to one relationship with the sales order line.