How Much RAM do you Really Need?

At 12:11 PM 8/10/2000 , you wrote:
>One thing I learned is to never buy a machine (server or workstation) that
>does not have 50% of the ram slots still empty after loading up the RAM to a
>level you think will be good for a year or two.

Oh yeah... Good Point! 2 x 256 was a bunch more expensive than 4 x 128 on
mine, but I didn't want to start out full-up.

>Are Compaq, Dell and IBM the only decent SERVER manufacturers left ???

Eeuuhh.... HP makes good boxes too, I'm told. For Win-Tel servers, I
think that's about it?

I've got this cool ABIT dual-Celeron w ECC n' stuff on my desktop. Would
like to try FreeBSD or Linux on it, but it's not exactly "mission critical"
material :) Been meaning to build another for a home server though.

After having to continually add RAM to servers and workstation as apps where
added and OS's where upgraded. I put 1 gig in a Compaq Proliant 3000. We
could only afford 1 "highly reliable and redundant machine" so it has to run
all our "must stay live" services.

- Vantage (production and testing databases running)
- Exchange
- Veritas Exec tape Backup
- Print Server
- File Server
- Fax Server
- Power chute Backup S/W
- Time Server

With all of these services running it tops out at 0.6 gig (shown in the task

If I add 2 more progress databases it jumps up to 0.75 gig.

It's probably true that this appears to be overkill but every time in the
past that I though this way I was always proven wrong.

One thing I learned is to never buy a machine (server or workstation) that
does not have 50% of the ram slots still empty after loading up the RAM to a
level you think will be good for a year or two.

Also very happy with the Compaq server, it's never had a problem and I can't
comment on service as I have never called for any.

I'm glad to hear that Dell has excellent H/W and service as competition will
keep all the players on their toes.

Are Compaq, Dell and IBM the only decent SERVER manufacturers left ???


Jerry L. Solobay

Ebco Aerospace