How to disable Epicor for MES users?

What is the best way to prevent MES users from logging into Epicor? I guess that sentence sums it up!

Only give them a MES shortcut? Remove the full client shortcut in your deployment script.

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don’t give them a shortcut for it. That’s about the only reasonable way. That or trying to rig up menu security so they can’t get to the top menu folder so if they open it it’s empty

We use GPO to control the shortcuts and who can modify what as well if that’s an option for you

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Yea - that’s another option. Not sure why I decided to control it with our deployment tool… I do everything else with a GPO. :man_shrugging:t2:

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If their sysconfig file has DataCollection user set to true they can’t open the full client.

<DataCollectionUser value="True" bool="" />

If they try to open the full client it gives them an error.
It would be nice if it just opened MES instead of the error…


I think another problem is how do you deploy two versions of the config file to users depending on which program they should have access to!

But thanks for this! Very useful!