How can we make a ShipTo address inactive? Thanks.
We added a UD checkbox field on the ShipTo called “Inactive” and then wrote a BPM that prevents users from using that ShipTo in Sales Order Entry.
Hi Lacey, I’ve been trying to do that for a few days now and I am able to add the check box and get it to launch and all that, but when I check that box on one ship to, it checks it on all of them. I’m sure it’s a default somewhere but I can’t find it for the life of me. Have you run into this before?
Any chance you bound it to the customer table instead of the ship to table? That would make one check show up on all.
Looks like that is exactly what I did. Changed that and it seems to be working. Thank you!
Heres an Ideas post I made to request this ability.
That idea (KIN-I-3714) is a duplicate and has been merged with the main idea which now has 107 votes: (ERP-I-1495 - Add Inactive Field to Ship To)
This idea is already scheduled for Kinetic 2023.2 and will be available in October 2023 (safe harbor just in case something changes). This is being completed on Epic ERP-45779…