How to set blank QuoteDtl project ID in REST?

We have a project that I believe is using REST to add Quotes to our system. The project is failing however due to error “This property cannot be set to a null value” when the Quote Detail Project ID is empty. If I try to blank out a Project ID on an existing quote line, I get the same error, when the field help says the field can be blank. How can I get around this issue while leaving the field blank, or is that not possible? What would need to be sent through the REST call to have the field blank?

Something like this should do it

// other properties and what not

Jose, how should you set the field manually? If I just blank it out and save, I get the same error.

Within Epicor? If that’s the case you must have a BPM or something because Epicor allows blank ProjectIDs by default.

I checked for that, however the error is not coming from a BPM, just from base processing. Are you saying there’s something in a BPM that’s setting the field to a null value?

Epicor nativelly doesn’t do that. Can you give me a screenshot of the expanded details (errro) of what Epicor is saying (nativelly)

Here is a Quote Detail record I’m trying to set the Project ID to blank:

Here is the expanded error message after blanking out the field and saving:

No other data has been changed on this record.

Can you create a new quote without a project id in the interface without the error?

No, error gets thrown during the update in the REST call. Found out the JSON data did not have the Project ID field in it either

I’m not sure if you answered my question or not.

If you manually create a new quote in the client, without a project ID, does it also error out?

Just created a quote in Pilot with 2 lines and no Project ID on either line, didn’t get an error…

What about Live?

Kevin, I think we’ve fixed the issue. Apparently there was another field containing nulls that should not have been set with that value causing the issue. Working now. Thank you for the assistance everyone!
