I am trying to use GL Acconut Editor in UD Table, but there are no Data view table in customization screen to link COA, Account, Segvalue etc.
Is there anyone who has exprience to customze UD table using GL Account Editor?
I tried to map UD table fields to GLAcctDisp via Extended Property, but it doesn’t work out
I will use UD table to create AP Invoice.
To do that, I need to let Epicor which GL Account to be used in AP Invoice.
So, I tried to add GL Acconut Editor which can be found in Journal Entry.
However, UD table doens’t have veiw tables to link UD filed to COA, GL Account.
Is there any solution to use GL Account Editor in UD Table?
I think your best option would be to use a baq combo from GLAccount
for the value field do a calculated filed with a replace of | with - and then concatenate that with AccountDesc as the description. If you want to limit the list to valid GL Categories you could join GLAccount to COASegValues and limit the list to the categories they can use for AP Expenses.
Thanks for the reply!
There are dynamic segvalues as well. GL Account covers only controlled.
I am trying to use GL Account Editor which is the same as Journal Entry.
Is there other way to to use GL Account Editor in UD Table?