Yes, you can easily use the security to restrict the quantity adjustment screen to certain users. For the dollar amount, you will need to trace the calls and create a BPM/Function to intercept the call and either allow it to go forward or cancel it.
Just replying to say I too use this error message, though i am saddened when people do not understand and complain that they are not Dave. I have also been known to throw warnings to Will Robinson.
I’d be extending that and using use codes to create a list of security groups and qty limits,. Modify the message to indicate such. To remind people what needs to change to get past the error. Clearly access to Uercodes needs to be restricted.
Getting the dollar value of the transaction is going to be somewhat more complicated… you’ll need to get the PartPlant.CostMethod value, use that to look up the 5 cost buckets for that method in the PartCost table, sum those, and THEN proceed with your approval sequence.
If you are using multiple Sites with different Cost IDs, that’s a whole 'nother ballgame yet.
It would be after the fact, but I’ve seen where the Inventory / WIP report for unposted ADJ-QTY transactions would go out weekly to a supervisor group. The dollar amounts are already on the report.
Not a hard stop, but a quick band aid to monitor.