Does anyone know what table the values for Ice.Lib.NextValue are stored in?
There are start values in Erp.XaSyst,
That is not the right table.
That table does not exist! Or I can’t see it, which would be weird.
or erp.keylast contains various others
Nope, not there.
It’s there in 2024.1 and 2023 sure it’s in others
I think this is it. For example, you won’t see Ice.SysUserFile and a few other Ice tables.
I can see SysUserFile
Both of them? Ice and Erp?
Just Ice
Can’t see SysSequence in 10.2.400.
Hmm. I couldn’t when I was on SaaS. It has more columns than the Erp.UserFile. Interesting.
Not in XXXChunk or XXXDef
Funny, can’t do a BAQ against SysSequence, but I could add it to my Function.
When you say can’t see them, do you just mean in a baq? Some tables are excluded from baqs for technical and other reasons but can be accessed with the Db context.
Not at my pc right now or I’d poke around.
Yeah, I meant in a BAQ. Trying to find out if the SysSequence table is where Ice.Lib.NextValue stores its info.
I think that table wont show up in BAQ, yep its where NextValue stores the next sequence. We create some Custom UD ones on-prem too.