Identical grids displaying in dashboard view: How/why?

Our company’s credit department uses an E10 dashboard called Credit Workbench.
Several BAQs feed Credit Workbench.

For reasons I’m still trying to understand, the Summary grid view displays data in identical sets of 37 columns, separated by a heavy, black, movable border line.

I’ve found that I can move the border line all the way to the left, so that it’s effectively off the screen.
But no Save Layout command (that I know of) preserves this change.
So I could tell my user how to hide one of the two sets of identical columns in this way.
But seeing as she would have to move the line every time she opens the dashboard, this is not a very thorough or satisfying solution.

I have examined the BAQ that feeds this view, as well as all relevant Properties menus.
In Properties, I’ve experimented with checking/unchecking various columns.
So far, I’m not seeing any clues as to why this grid is duplicated, or how to eliminate the redundant columns.

If anyone has any insight/experience to lend, I would really appreciate it!

I don’t know why they are identical, but you could duplicate the dashboard definition and then delete the grid yourself then make a new menu item and link it to the modified version of the dashboard.

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I’m going with the “split view” like Excel has. Especially if the rows scroll vertically together.

Try dragging that line all the way to the left or right.

I’ve experimented with dragging the border line left and right.
This is one way to hide the redundant columns.
But I haven’t managed to make it last.
Every time I tried to Save Layout or preserve this choice in any other way, I saw the same duplicated columns upon closing and reopening the dashboard.

Anything show in a right-click on the grid? Like how you enable Column filters, summaries, and grouping.

I no longer have access to E10, so I can’t test it for you. :frowning:

Right clicking the grid displays a context menu (can’t screencap - menu disappears as I open Snipping Tool):

  • Show Group By
  • Show Summaries
  • Show Grid Filters
  • Clear Grid Sort
  • Copy All
  • Copy All Include Labels
  • Copy Selection
  • Copy Selection Include Labels
  • Properties
  • Reset Column Formats to Base

I think it’s the elements pointed to by the green arrows in the following:

Your issue is probably with the users personalization of the dashboard.

Also, I never actually settled on the order of saving defaults and saving the dashboard to make them stick.

edit ( I clicked post to quickly)

I use the following order.

  1. Arrange the DB how I want it to look.
  2. Save the DB
  3. Use Layouts → Save As Default
  4. Save the DB again.

When the user opens the DB, have them use the Layouts → Reset Layouts to default (or whatever it is called)

One last thing … You might be on a fools errand. I once had used a sort on a column in a grid while in developer mode, and was unable to get rid of it.

I wanted the data to default to being sorted by the BAQ. Nothing would get rid of that Sort that was on the grid. See:

I followed the steps you suggested (editing & saving the layout), but unfortunately, the duplicate grids remain.

At one point, I turned on Dev Mode, and deleted the personalization file with my name on it.
Opened the Dashboard again. It had returned to the layout with which I’m familiar.
Including the duplicate grids. :upside_down_face:

So as weird as this seems, I don’t think the issue lies in the layout, or user personalizations.
I don’t know what else could be the cause of what I’m seeing, except a misstep somewhere in the BAQ or Dashboard Definition/Assembly. I can of course comb through all of that, but I’m still new to the graphical interface (my background is much more in using SQL text editors - not currently a tool at my disposal). As I posted this, I wondered if a less involved solution might be available.

A solution (without ever determining the actual problem) would be to delete that summary sheet, and recreate it from scratch.

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Does the “Reset Column Formats to Base” do anything?

Does the “Reset Column Formats to Base” do anything?

Unfortunately, no.

Edit: Clarifying - the “Reset Column Formats to Base” command has no effect on the duplicate grids.

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If you’re the daring type:

  1. Export the Dashboard (don’t need the BAQ’s)
  2. Move that separator line.
  3. Export the Dashboard again (new file name)
  4. Compare the two exported files (I’m pretty sure they are in XML).

Find the line that sets the gird separator, and set it to 0 - or remove that XML branch.

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From the infragistics site, the number of regions a grid can be split to can be set by:

// Set the max regions the grid can have preventing the user from splitting
// any more than the max.
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.MaxColScrollRegions = 2;
	this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.MaxRowScrollRegions = 2;

Maybe customize a deployed version with code to set each of those to 1 when the form loads.

Here’s the source page:


I haven’t figured out why the slider control is present at the bottom left corner of my grid view.
But I did discover that every dashboard my company uses, which has a grid view,
has a similar slider control.

The solution I reached for my user was to delete and rebuild the grid view in the dashboard,
saving it so that the default position of the slider control is 100% to the left.

I’m interested in whether anyone else may report that their dashboards also have slider controls.
Here’s a screenshot showing what I’m talking about.
Open up a dashboard and see if you see this slider, and can move it.

If so: Do duplicate dashboards display??

That’s a feature. That’s so you can look at different sections of your grid at the same time. Much like freezing rows in excel.