Hi All,
I’m trying to import a BAQ but am getting the below error, anyone know what its referencing to?
Hi All,
I’m trying to import a BAQ but am getting the below error, anyone know what its referencing to?
It looks like it is trying to up rev the baq and having an issue with a field that was in PatchFld and now got moved into a table.
What version was this written on and what version are you importing into? Do you have it running on any version of Epicor now?
Can you post it and I will try to import.
Hi Greg,
Sorry got busy with the holidays, below is the baq I’m trying to import.
QBCostQuery.baq (17.7 KB)
Are you sure it didn’t import? It says there are errors, but it also said it finished. Check the box “Show in designer” next time and see if it loads the BAQ. Then you can fix whatever is wrong.
Ya nothing comes in the designer after I click OK.
Show in Designer
isn’t checked. Try loading the BAQ.
I checked “Show in Designer” nothing loads up after, I searched for the BAQ it is not there either
@StephenW It imported fine for me in 21.2.10. It is just a dump of PartCost, so i would not spend time on the import and just recreate. The curly braces on the IN don’t look right. I removed that and it ran fine.
Hi Greg,
Thanks for you help with that, I was able to rebuild it based off your SS.
These are for a software that integrates with Epicor for managing Engineering Change Orders(ECO).
I have 4 more I need to get to work as well, the 3rd party company is closed until after new years so was trying to get a jump on these to get fixed so I can go straight into training after New Years.
Is there another way to open these baq files so I can read what tables/fields they are looking for so i can rebuild them? They should all be very simple baq’s like the above.
If you are strong in reading XML, you could open the exported BAQ with a zip utility (like 7zip) and then look at the file called “DynamicQuery”. Just look for the <DynamicQueryDesigner>
Hi Doug,
Thanks for that, I was able to open it using 7zip, found the node you mentioned.
I just have 1 question, in the xml for table criteria it says “PartWhse.DemandQty <> 0”
I’m assuming the “<>” is lesser than greater than with a constant of 0, is that correct?
so when I type the xml for lt gt, it changed the format to <>, so that answered my own question. Thanks
Yeah, XML will use HTML Entities for special characters.
No worries. Looks like @Doug.C has you set with the XML, but if you need one opened let me know. Knowing it is an integration the curly braces may be something they use to substitute a part number.