Incorrect labor hours entered on a labor edit for an adjustment that

We had a user input a labor edit late Friday afternoon to move hours, dollars, and quantity claimed from assembly 0 to assembly 1 on a job. Somehow I seem to have used the wrong number for labor hours (too many labor hours), so now Epicor is saying that the operation has negative labor hours and is throwing an error when we try to view it in job tracker.


However, Epicor won’t let me fix it through another adjustment. No matter how many positive labor hours I try to add to the operation, the same error message pops up about negative hours, and Epicor won’t let me save the adjustment.


Any idea how we can fix this?



Best regards

Mike Abell

IT Manager

Flexial Corporation
a company of BOA Group
1483 Gould Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506, USA

Phone:    +1 931 432 8408
Fax:        +1 931 432 1889

Mail:        mabell@...