We’re seeing incorrect Labor Hours LaborDtl.LaborHours (significantly overstated) for some labor records where the Operation’s Labor Entry Method is Quantity only and Std Format is CH Cycles / Hour.
We recently began using Cycles per Hour for some operations, we’ve notice that on only two of the operations, and only sometimes, the incorrect LaborHours are posted upon ending activity.
We’ve created jobs manually, by MRP, manually add an operation, and see the same incorrect result. We’ve compared the setup/structure/format of the operation on the job that post incorrectly to one that post correctly and haven’t been able to draw a conclusion. We’ve change to the operation that is posting incorrect to Time&Quantity and is posts correctly. Earned Hours always posts correctly.
We’ve reviewed this with our Epicor consultant and he says he has seen this before, and thinks it’s possibly something to do with the StdFormat of CH Cycles / Hour.
Has anyone seen this phenomenon, and can you help us?