Increase -s Blank Title 84822

In your mygsys60\db\ The default is 63. Support had me change
to 128 a couple of years ago. Did require a DB restart to take effect.

Cliff Drumeller
IT Manager
Phone: 408 954 0200 ex 348
Cell: 408 314 7420


From: [] On Behalf
Of pcsbruce
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 4:32 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Increase -s

I'm on vantage v6.0 patch 530 and I get this error when I try to add a
release to a order

bfx: Field too large for a data item. Try to increase -s. (42) Does
anyone know what the fix is for this

Thanks in advance

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I'm on vantage v6.0 patch 530 and I get this error when I try to add a release to a order

bfx: Field too large for a data item. Try to increase -s. (42) Does anyone know what the fix is for this

Thanks in advance
Per Vantage help:

bfx: Field too large for a data item. Try to increase -s. (42)

This may be the result of an internal system error, but it is more commonly caused by attempting to use character variables with extremely long values. Use shorter values with your character values. You may also be able to solve the problem by using a larger value for the -s (stack) startup parameter.

The -s startup parameter is located in I have never had to change this from the default, thinking you may have other issues. Is this happening from all workstations? Personally I would start by restarting the workstation. If that does not work then restart the server.


From: [] On Behalf Of pcsbruce
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 6:32 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Increase -s

I'm on vantage v6.0 patch 530 and I get this error when I try to add a release to a order

bfx: Field too large for a data item. Try to increase -s. (42) Does anyone know what the fix is for this

Thanks in advance

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