--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, "melmike13 <mikeg.ptc@s...>"
<mikeg.ptc@s...> wrote:
Please see below. If this effects your operation please let Vantage
know. We have been missing out on taking advantage of some discounts.
Recieved this enhancement request from Vantage:
If miscellaneous charges are added to AP invoice header,discount will
not be taken; if they are on the line, they may be discounted. Would
like option on miscellaneous charge—take discount or
not—default from
AP Miscellaneous Charge master, with ability to override at invoice
entry. Ref. Would like to be able to set this option at the vendor
setup screen. This could vary slightly from vendor to vendor. This
setup option could be a drop-down of the misc. codes available with
the ability to discount or not.
<mikeg.ptc@s...> wrote:
> When dealing with discounts, has anyone ever noticed thatIt
> miscellaneous charges are not discounted within accounts payable?
> would be very handy to us to be able to adjust which miscellaneousFeb. 28, 2003
> charges could be discounted by type, by vendor. In other words we
> could never take a discount on tax charged, but we could take a
> discount on lot charges or the like. Would be nice to be able to
> dial in each vendor for this element of accounts payable.
> Mike Gilchrist
Please see below. If this effects your operation please let Vantage
know. We have been missing out on taking advantage of some discounts.
Recieved this enhancement request from Vantage:
If miscellaneous charges are added to AP invoice header,discount will
not be taken; if they are on the line, they may be discounted. Would
like option on miscellaneous charge—take discount or
not—default from
AP Miscellaneous Charge master, with ability to override at invoice
entry. Ref. Would like to be able to set this option at the vendor
setup screen. This could vary slightly from vendor to vendor. This
setup option could be a drop-down of the misc. codes available with
the ability to discount or not.