Infragistics4.Shared.v12.2 error on checking Syntax in BPM Custom Code

So I’ve had that annoying error about Infragistics4.Shared.v12.2 Parameter Key not found error for ages when trying to check syntax in Custom code in BPMs, and if I click the syntax button again it checks the syntax, it get’s rather annoying after a while.

I found that deleting the personlization related to CustomCodeElementForm resolve the problem. So if anyone else runs across this, I hope it helps.

Same error, where do we find CustomCodeElementForm?


Hi @Dave_Dortman, when I wrote that I was working ridiculous hours and your memory goes. I was scratching my head a bit. I think I was referring to the custom xml editor. You can open the bpm with customization mode enabled and it will throw a message about the form not being customizable, but when you right mouse click on the bottom of the editor form you can click on the customization menu. See the pic. That will open the customization form and then from tools you can access the custom xml. I think that was what I was talking about. You could also try reset layouts to base as well.

I hope that helps.

I think there are a few posts about this here also.

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Thanks, much appreciated!

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