Inspection Processing Adapter GetRows WhereClauses

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to properly call the GetRows function using the InspectionProcessing adapter and populate the whereClauses? I am trying to filter on RMAs, but I can’t seem to populate the whereClausesRMA parameter. The only one I can populate is the whereClauseInspProcList parameter. I appreciate any help!

						bool morePages = false;
						var opts = new Erp.UI.Searches.InspProcessingSearchOptions(SearchMode.AutoSearch);
						opts.DataSetMode = DataSetMode.RowsDataSet;

						opts.RMA = true; // plRMA = true
						string rmaWhereClause = string.Format("RMARcpt.RMANum = {0} AND RMARcpt.RMALine = {1} AND RMARcpt.RMAReceipt = {2}", rmaNum, rmaLine, rmaReceipt);
						opts.NamedSearch.WhereClauses.Add("RMA", rmaWhereClause);

						var dsInspProc = inspProcAdapter.GetRows(opts, out morePages);
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