Intro/Qty through Departments


Thank you very much for the report... it was just enough to get me in the right direction of what I needed!


At 2/12/01 3:53:00 PM, you wrote:
>I have two reports that we use to track qty per work center. One is a
>summary of each work center the other is a detail of each employee. It
>works quite well for us. I posted them on the list. Take a look see if
>they get you started.
>Kathy Hambleton
>Electron Energy Corporation

I was hired a couple months ago by a small metal manufacturing plant in California, and I'm new to the industry (as well as
Vantage), so I'm happy to have found this group!! :-) I'm mainly running reports and doing some system auditing (and trying
my hand at some simple reports in Report Builder). I hope that I don't sound too much like the newbie I am!!! :-)

Anyway, I've been asked to try to get some information that I'm not quite sure how to get, and I was wondering if anyone might
be able to steer me in the right direction. Our Quality manager has asked me if it was possible to figure out how many parts went
through each department or workcener in any given time frame. I tried to play around in RB, thinking maybe I could use the
"JobOper.QtyCompleted" field or something like that, but the numbers that have been coming up have been not close to the
quantities that we run. Any suggestions??

Many thanks,

Try the Labor detail table. You may get more than you bargained for, but
that will show the actual number of parts completed in Data Collection.


I have two reports that we use to track qty per work center. One is a
summary of each work center the other is a detail of each employee. It
works quite well for us. I posted them on the list. Take a look see if
they get you started.

Kathy Hambleton
Electron Energy Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: leira@... [mailto:leira@...]
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 1:55 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Intro/Qty through Departments


I was hired a couple months ago by a small metal manufacturing plant in
California, and I'm new to the industry (as well as
Vantage), so I'm happy to have found this group!! :-) I'm mainly running
reports and doing some system auditing (and trying
my hand at some simple reports in Report Builder). I hope that I don't
sound too much like the newbie I am!!! :-)

Anyway, I've been asked to try to get some information that I'm not quite
sure how to get, and I was wondering if anyone might
be able to steer me in the right direction. Our Quality manager has asked
me if it was possible to figure out how many parts went
through each department or workcener in any given time frame. I tried to
play around in RB, thinking maybe I could use the
"JobOper.QtyCompleted" field or something like that, but the numbers that
have been coming up have been not close to the
quantities that we run. Any suggestions??

Many thanks,

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