Invalid Epicor Crystal XI R2 Runtime installation

Did you ever find a solution? We have a new PC that is experiencing the same thing.

--- In, Karl Dash <dashkarl@...> wrote:
> All,
> Â Â Â Everyone is suddenly receiving the error message "The following application error was encountered:
> Invalid Epicor Crystal XI R2 Runtime installation. Contact your system administrator."
> Well, that's me and we've made no changes in several months to Vantage. Is this an issue that's been discussed lately? I'm on telephone hell with Epicor.
> Thanks,
> -Karl
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   Everyone is suddenly receiving the error message "The following application error was encountered:

Invalid Epicor Crystal XI R2 Runtime installation. Contact your system administrator."

Well, that's me and we've made no changes in several months to Vantage. Is this an issue that's been discussed lately? I'm on telephone hell with Epicor.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]