Invalid SysRptLst record

Thank you!
One of our users is getting an error that says "The value for column 'FileName' in table 'SysRptLst' is DBNull. I querried that table and found the offending record. The purge date is set for today. Does anyone know of a way to run the purge process so that I can get rid of the record right away? The user is unable to get anything done in the system as the error is continuously popping up...

Thanks in advance!

Has anyone dealt with this? One of my users keeps getting this same esact error. What do i do? He cant do anything in vantage as the error keeps popping up. how i get rid of it? I am in vantage 8.03.409C. Any help is appreciated



Another user keeps getting the same error. I dont know what to do. The users report folder in epicor are all empty. i did a query and see that the filename is blank. Please help fix. thanks!

for any future reference the solution is to (if your sql database) go to sql and do a query to search for the sysrptlst table. then replace all the null lines to a blank. this fixed the error for me. thanks!