Invalid Where-Clause: Alpha compare against Numeric Column

Any idea why this fails in Epicor 10.1.400.18

Preformatted textwhereClause = “Number04 > Number01”
dSet = SearchFunctions.listLookup(UD10Form, “UD10Adapter”, recordSelected, False, whereClause)Preformatted text

With the error message:
Invalid Where-Clause: Alpha compare against Numeric Column: ‘NUMBER04 > NUMBER01’

This returns results using the BL Tester.

I think I recall seeing someone on this forum say don’t trust that test.
That’s my mild recollection.

This worked:

    whereClause = "CAST(Number07 AS Integer) > CAST(Number01 AS Integer)"
    dSet = SearchFunctions.listLookup(UD10Form, "UD10Adapter", recordSelected, False, whereClause)