I have a Crystal Report that can do this. You might be able to apply the principles of this to a BAQ.
I start with the current on-hand quantity - taken from PartWhse.
Then I work backwards through the PartTran table - that's using TranDate in descending order - toting up TranQty for each entry occuring after the historical date I'm looking for. Note that you have to reverse the sign of TranQty on any "STK-CUS" entries.
I use subreports to accomplish the above. How you'd do it in a single BAQ, I don't know.
I start with the current on-hand quantity - taken from PartWhse.
Then I work backwards through the PartTran table - that's using TranDate in descending order - toting up TranQty for each entry occuring after the historical date I'm looking for. Note that you have to reverse the sign of TranQty on any "STK-CUS" entries.
I use subreports to accomplish the above. How you'd do it in a single BAQ, I don't know.
--- In vantage@yahoogroups.com, Carey S <rotary1@...> wrote:
> I have a BAQ set up that basically takes all of the parts in the partmaster, and shows them , the on-hand quantities from the partWhse table, the costs from the PartCost table. This is ok. We can get it into Excel from here just fine. However, management wants to somehow get this data from two specific historic dates. Does anyone have something built, or a specific process for how to extract this data?
> Thanks
> Carey
> 803.404
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