Inventory (Qty/Cos) adjustment functions

Hi all,

I am very new to Epicor so please be patience with my stupid question I am need your guidance with.

I am looking for an adjustment function in Epicor that would do the following:

  • Increase/Decrease Raw material Inventory stock and impact to a GL# based on Part Class
    • Would you recommend using quantity adjustment and reason code?
  • Increase/Decrease Finished Goods Inventory stock and impact to a GL# based on Part Class (no qty to be impacted, -/+ to total $value)
    • Would you recommend using cost adjustment and reason code?

Inventory Qty Adjustment will increase or decrease inventory and GL based on the Part Class GL Control Code. The contra entry is the Inventory Adjustment account or Account directed by the reason code GL Contr5ol Code.

Whether it is finished goods or raw material, the transaction is the same.

Charlie Smith

CRS Consulting Services


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Thank you so much, Charlie! I really appreciates your quick response.