Invoice Detail BAQ Help

Here’s the structure for the BAQ. I put in the table criteria for InvcDtl to not include “StartUp” and “DEPOSIT” in the line description.
However they’re still showing up in the results. Is there anything that I missed?

Thank you!

Try changing your criteria to ((LineDesc<>‘StartUp’) and (LineDesc<>‘DEPOSIT’))

EDIT - added parens to make it a little clearer

Change the “or” to an “and” in your table criteria. You could also uncheck the “not” box and change the operation to “<>” on both criteria.

Combine them into 1 expression. Easiest way IMO is to use the IN operator

By separating them you are saying anything that is not StartUp, including Deposit… or … anything that is not Deposit.

The 2 posts above also accomplish the same thing… just depends how you want to drive the criteria.

100% the reason you’re still returning them is because you’re using an “OR” statement. It needs to be “AND”. Think abou it… you’re saying:

Give me all records that have a LineDesc not equal to StartUp OR that don’t have a LineDesc equal to DEPOSIT. So DEPOSIT satisfies the first criteria and StartUp satisfies the second. And it’s returned if either of those conditions are true.

Oh, and I just noticed your filter values don’t have quote marks around them, so they’re not being treated as strings. When dealing with strings, I typically prefer to use “____ expression” instead of “____ constant” since the editor is clearer to understand, but just putting single quote marks around the stuff in “____ constant” should work the same.

So in all, you need:

    LineDesc    <>    'StartUp' constant
And LineDesc    <>    'DEPOSIT' constant
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Thank you all! It worked!

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