Here’s the scenario. PO line which is purchase direct for a job material is received which also issues that material. For some reason or another, this material needs to be taken for another job (may need it sooner,) so it is returned and issued to this other job. Accounts Payable invoices the original PO line which automatically issues the original job material as complete at a zero quantity thus killing the demand. Now, we may never get a replacement or we get the replacement but no longer have a demand for the part so it sits in inventory.
I ran a trace log while creating the AP Invoice and adding a receipt for this PO line to it. However, no where in the log does it show issuing the job material but I did verify that it does get issued complete at a zero quantity. I thought I could see where this is happening and write a method directive to prevent issuing complete when the issued quantity is zero. Any help would be appreciated.
When you say “Returned and issued to this other job”, Are you saying it was returned to inventory and then issued?
“Accounts Payable invoices the original PO line which automatically issues the original job material as complete at a zero quantity”
The original job is marked as complete because of the original PO receipt, not the AP invoice. If you return the material to stock from the job, that will not unmark the material as issued complete. You need to do that manually (or a BPM
with the MFG-STK transaction).
Yes it was returned to inventory and then issued to a different job. I understand they why but I need to prevent the original purchased material from being issued complete at a zero quantity at invoicing.
I’ve tested it and even traced it. I’ll have the job open in job entry and see that the material is unissued at a zero quantity. I then add the invoice line from the PO line in Invoice Entry and immediately the job material issues complete. Nothing shows in the trace log so I need to know what to trigger a BPM from…
Stupid question, but is the inventory turned on? I don’t understand why the AP invoice would cause the job material to be flagged as issued complete, the PO Receipt should be doing that.
As for the BPM, I would have to look at the firings but it would be on the Material return transaction (MFG-STK) that you would check the new job material quantity to see if it is less than required.
When the material was originally received and issued to the job, it did issue it complete. However, the material was then returned from the job and issued to another job needing it sooner. This made it not issued.
The next time suggestions run, there will be a new demand to replace the stolen part.
But, if Accounts Payable processes the invoice for the original PO, it issues the material complete.
Then the only answer I have for that is reopen the PO Line release, change the job, close the PO back up and then process the AP invoice. That should keep the AP processing against the job you intended it for.