Is there a Business Object in BPM for Part Lot

Since i cannot find any business object related to Part Lot

I’m not sure if there is a specific BO for Part Lot. If you are looking to find out how lot numbers get into the table and removed from the table, try looking at BOs related to Receipt Entry (specifically when the popup occurs asking if you want to create a new lot for this part), Job Receipt to Stock and Quantity Adjustment for how they get put in; then Issue Material and Customer Shipment Entry for how they get removed. There are some transactions that happen that do not remove the lot numbers from the Part Lot table such as unreceiving the part to change the lot number. That does not remove the incorrect lot number which has to be done manually.

For whichever transaction you want to interact with a BPM, do that process manually in your Test DB with Tracing enabled, then review the Trace log, search for “<method” to find all the BO Method calls during the trace session.
I’m pretty sure there are Lot Methods scattered in various other Business Objects, but one that is used when you manually modify the Lot in Lot Entry is LotSelectUpdate.
But always trace before diving into a BPM, it will save you a ton of time.

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