My empolyee completed a quantity of 3, but issued 4 to stock. How do I change this before closing the job.
You should be able to use the Return Material program to put the material back into inventory.
I probably used the wrong terms. I’m talking about a finished product. We completed 3, and received to stock 4. I need to un-receive 1.
Return material is just that, returning the materials needed to make the product. All of this is correct.
You can use Job Receipt to Inventory with a negative quantity to “return” the finished product back to the job.
I probably used the wrong terms. I’m talking about a finished product. We completed 3, and received to stock 4. I need to un-receive 1.
You actually need to unreceive alll 4 so the costing is correct… first do a negative Job Receipt to Inventory of -4, then do a positive Job Receipt to Inventory of +3.
We use standard cost for all our finished products so I always overlook the costing side of job receipts. Thanks!
Thank you Ernie, all fixed!