When using the Auto Job Closing process, I’m getting the following exception on a small number of jobs.
“No estimated subcontract costs available.”
Anyone know what drives that exception?
When using the Auto Job Closing process, I’m getting the following exception on a small number of jobs.
“No estimated subcontract costs available.”
Anyone know what drives that exception?
Is the Job linked to a PO? w/ Type being Subcontract?
It is.
I see a price in the PO.
I know the logic is the following
EstCost = Math.Round(JobOper.EstUnitCost * JobOper.RunQty, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
// if EstCost is 0 - Raise that Exception you have shown.
I would make sure that your UnitCost or RunQty isn’t 0 - on a JobOperation that is set as Sub Contract
Looks like the unit cost is zero.
Makes sense 0 * 123 = 0 hehe.