I am curious about the Closed checkbox on the Job Closing process.
Can the closed checkbox be deactivate for employees who have access to the Job Closing but only needs to marked them as complete?
I am curious about the Closed checkbox on the Job Closing process.
Can the closed checkbox be deactivate for employees who have access to the Job Closing but only needs to marked them as complete?
Restricting at the client doesn’t prevent users from doing it in the Kinetic Web, DMT, or REST.
Epicor provides Service Security so you can limit a Method on a business object. In your case:
This capability goes way back to Vantage 8 or Epicor 9, I forget since I’m old.
While doing it @Mark_Wonsil’s way is more complete, you can. I made another menu item called job completion that hid the closed label and checkbox and then only gave access to a few for the job closing menu.
Haven’t tried it, you may also be able to “protect” this via Field Security Maint. Change Default Access to “read” and only give certain users/groups write/full permission.
This would be on JobHead.JobClosed
Thank you!
Thank you.