Job hold/order hold

It sounds like that is what we're going to need to do although I think we'll put it on the order entry side. Do you happen to have any example code you might want to share? We have a new IT person who is still learning Epicor. I'm trying to help with my limited knowledge during the evenings and weekends.


--- In, "Kevin Simon" <ksimon@...> wrote:
> Emily,
> One of the ways we handled this was by adding a "HOLD" UD checkbox to the
> Job, then had a BPM that kicked off on Start Activity, and cancelled the
> activity if the job was on HOLD.
> Sounds like this may be a quick fix for you.
> Kevin Simon
> SimsTrak Consulting
> From: [] On Behalf Of
> Emily
> Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:15 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Job hold/order hold
> The majority of our jobs are make to order and we're fast about getting an
> order in to a job within a few hours of receipt of the customer's PO. I
> don't think we're the only company that has customers call a few days after
> sending in their PO and ask us to put it on hold. How do you handle these
> situations in your company to keep from having more work done on the job? Is
> there already a built in process that puts holds on jobs or orders and then
> the jobs (if it is a make to order job) that I'm missing? I've done some
> bpms that I can imagine could throw up a warning message but we're also
> using MES. Can I write a bpm for MES too? Has anyone already written a bpm
> or something else to keep from more work happening to a job that is on hold
> or flagged in some way. I appreciate the ideas. We're in 9.05.
> Emily
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The majority of our jobs are make to order and we're fast about getting an order in to a job within a few hours of receipt of the customer's PO. I don't think we're the only company that has customers call a few days after sending in their PO and ask us to put it on hold. How do you handle these situations in your company to keep from having more work done on the job? Is there already a built in process that puts holds on jobs or orders and then the jobs (if it is a make to order job) that I'm missing? I've done some bpms that I can imagine could throw up a warning message but we're also using MES. Can I write a bpm for MES too? Has anyone already written a bpm or something else to keep from more work happening to a job that is on hold or flagged in some way. I appreciate the ideas. We're in 9.05.

Although I haven't tested popping alert boxes, BPMs definitely work for MES.
They operate at the BO level which is below the client and will fire
regardless of whether you use the big client, MES, or even the web services.
I can't think of any reason why alert boxes shouldn't work too, though as I
said I've not tested them.

On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 7:14 PM, Emily <emverbeke@...> wrote:

> The majority of our jobs are make to order and we're fast about getting an
> order in to a job within a few hours of receipt of the customer's PO. I
> don't think we're the only company that has customers call a few days after
> sending in their PO and ask us to put it on hold. How do you handle these
> situations in your company to keep from having more work done on the job? Is
> there already a built in process that puts holds on jobs or orders and then
> the jobs (if it is a make to order job) that I'm missing? I've done some
> bpms that I can imagine could throw up a warning message but we're also
> using MES. Can I write a bpm for MES too? Has anyone already written a bpm
> or something else to keep from more work happening to a job that is on hold
> or flagged in some way. I appreciate the ideas. We're in 9.05.
> Emily

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

One of the ways we handled this was by adding a "HOLD" UD checkbox to the
Job, then had a BPM that kicked off on Start Activity, and cancelled the
activity if the job was on HOLD.

Sounds like this may be a quick fix for you.

Kevin Simon

SimsTrak Consulting

From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:15 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Job hold/order hold

The majority of our jobs are make to order and we're fast about getting an
order in to a job within a few hours of receipt of the customer's PO. I
don't think we're the only company that has customers call a few days after
sending in their PO and ask us to put it on hold. How do you handle these
situations in your company to keep from having more work done on the job? Is
there already a built in process that puts holds on jobs or orders and then
the jobs (if it is a make to order job) that I'm missing? I've done some
bpms that I can imagine could throw up a warning message but we're also
using MES. Can I write a bpm for MES too? Has anyone already written a bpm
or something else to keep from more work happening to a job that is on hold
or flagged in some way. I appreciate the ideas. We're in 9.05.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]