We have jobs that require WIP in the operations. We cannot use subassemblies. Our planners won’t know what WIP jobs belong to the parent because they are independent jobs.
We are looking for a way to link the WIP to the parent but MRP is creating all of the jobs. For instance:
Job 1 - Part ABC - this is the finished good. Independently, MRP creates jobs 2 and 3. Job 2 Part - ZYX and Job 3 Part - GHI. These are 3 independent jobs in EPICOR, but, in reality, they are connected. How do we link them?
Are the 3 jobs being worked in parallel? Or you have to build part c before building part b? If they are happening at different points in time I would suggest using lot tracking to keep them linked. Once the lowest level is done, issue it to the next up. That is what we used to do, if you have Serial Numbers you can add them too.
Are you running the lower level parts/jobs to stock?
Have to tested leaving the component level part as non-stock material (not as a pull as assembly) and then MRP will create a separate job with a job to job link.