Join CCDtl & PartWhse

I’ve been asked to generate a really simple BAQ to show all parts, on hand qty, ABC code, and date of last cycle count. It looks like I’ll need the CCDtl table(to get ABCcode) and the PartWhse and PartBin tables. Am I on the right track (I’m planning to join the CCDtl table to the PartWhse on the Company and PartNumber)?

The ABC Code can be had from PartWhse.SystemAbc
The Last Cycle count date can be had from PartWhse.LastCCDate

Only join the CCDtl table if you are going after actual count data

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I think Part, PartBin, and PartWhse will give you every thing you need. I don’t think you need CCDtl. It should be on the PartWhse (SystemABC and MinABC)

EDIT - To answer my own question, I had an overly simplistic understanding. Every part can be in multiple warehouses, and each warehouse has it’s own ABC code and qty. The query actually looks good, what I was missing was adding a criteria for a specific warehouse or displaying the warehouse in the results.

I’m noticing odd data in sanity checking my BAQ. I’m seeing multiple rows for the same PN with different ABC codes, and I’m seeing a lastCCDate for parts that don’t have any CC transactions in part tracker. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Super simple BAQ with just PartWhse and PartCost tables joined on Company and PartNumber.


PartCost is…complicated, but it can be specific to a plant/site, for example.

And I can’t remember about FIFO layers, if that’s stored in PartCost or not. FYI even if you don’t do FIFO costing, you can opt in to tracking the layers anyway…