Keeping track of user defined fields

Great idea, Thom! We all expect you to export your customization and
share it with the group now. ;-)



From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 2:19 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields

Here's a thought. Why not devote a UD table to a list of UD fields?
Personally, I keep the list on an Excel workbook, but I kind of like
what I'm preaching more than what I'm practicing. Use one key field as
the table name, and another key field as the field name to prevent
duplicate use of a table/field combination. You could easily put
together an entry form, and a quick BAQ report to list the assignments.
As soon as I have a couple of spare hours, I think I'm going to migrate
from my Excel workbook to this setup.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Randy Stulce
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:19 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields

We keep a document with what fields are used and for what. It's the
best we can do since there is no way to track it in Epicor.

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
<> [
<> <>]
On Behalf
Of Waffqle Driggers
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 6:59 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields

Same here.

You can run queries to see if the fields have values, but I don't know
any faster way to check.

Something like

FOR EACH <Table> WHERE Char01 <> "" AND Char02 <> "" .....

just add all the custom fields and change the table each time.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Brian W. Spolarich <
<>> wrote:

> We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> what it *means*.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <>
<> <> [mailto:
> <>
<> <>] On
> Of cooner_55421
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> To: <>
<> <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> Hi,
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links

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This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be
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by anyone other than the intended is unauthorized. If you are not the
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anyone this message (or any part of its contents) or take any action in
reliance on it. In such case, you should destroy this message, and
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recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence
of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by
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and other information expressed in this electronic mail are not given or
endors! ed by the company unless otherwise indicated by an authorized
representative independent of this message.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
what it *means*.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of cooner_55421
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields


I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
fields used.

Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?




Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links
Same here.

You can run queries to see if the fields have values, but I don't know of
any faster way to check.

Something like

FOR EACH <Table> WHERE Char01 <> "" AND Char02 <> "" .....

just add all the custom fields and change the table each time.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Brian W. Spolarich <
bspolarich@...> wrote:

> We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> what it *means*.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> [mailto:
> <>] On Behalf
> Of cooner_55421
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> Hi,
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
We use a word document to track the fields that are in use and what information they are used to capture. I would recommend also keeping track of the queries, BPM's and reports use these fields.


--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich" <bspolarich@...> wrote:
> We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> what it *means*.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of cooner_55421
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> Hi,
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links
Well, we finally figured out how to have our Production folks receive email
alerts for shop warnings. So, we have added people to Production Team, and
found that you have to add the specific production team to every job in order to
receive alerts. There is no place in Part Maintenance where you can set up the
production team and have it carry over to the job.

However, there is a spot to put a Planner in Part Maintenance and that field
does carry over to the job.

So my question is - is there a way for the Planner to receive the Shop Warning
Alerts instead of the Production Team? Our way of thinking is we don't want to
have to go into every job and assign a Production Team, when we really only have
one anyway.

Or, is there a way to set it up that the Production Team is auto filled or
default on every job?

I hope this makes sense, and thanks a lot for any help.


Kerry Travis, CGA
International Name Plate Supplies Ltd.

From: Virginia <vjoseph@...>
Sent: Fri, November 12, 2010 9:20:53 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Keeping track of user defined fields

We use a word document to track the fields that are in use and what information
they are used to capture. I would recommend also keeping track of the queries,
BPM's and reports use these fields.


--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich" <bspolarich@...> wrote:
> We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> what it *means*.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of cooner_55421
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> Hi,
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I also keep track of what date we started or stopped using a field.


--- In, "Virginia" <vjoseph@...> wrote:
> We use a word document to track the fields that are in use and what information they are used to capture. I would recommend also keeping track of the queries, BPM's and reports use these fields.
> Virginia
> --- In, "Brian W. Spolarich" <bspolarich@> wrote:
> >
> > We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> > that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> > what it *means*.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [] On Behalf
> > Of cooner_55421
> > Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
> > that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
> > fields used.
> >
> > Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> > Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> > attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bruce
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> > have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> > (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> > and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> >
> > (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> >
> > (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
> >! Groups Links
> >
Somehow related to this topic....

I set the font color to blue or red to all UDF labels in our screens, this way we can track our UDFs visually for every task.


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax: 817-852-1705

From: [] On Behalf Of netrippers
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 9:53 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Re: Keeping track of user defined fields

I also keep track of what date we started or stopped using a field.


--- In<>, "Virginia" <vjoseph@...> wrote:
> We use a word document to track the fields that are in use and what information they are used to capture. I would recommend also keeping track of the queries, BPM's and reports use these fields.
> Virginia
> --- In<>, "Brian W. Spolarich" <bspolarich@> wrote:
> >
> > We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> > that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> > what it *means*.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:<> [<>] On Behalf
> > Of cooner_55421
> > Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> > To:<>
> > Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
> > that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
> > fields used.
> >
> > Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> > Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> > attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Bruce
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> > have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
> > (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> > and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> ><>
> > (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> >
> > (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
> >! Groups Links
> >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to indicate
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list of
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?

I haven't started yet but I thought that Extended Property Maintenance
might be a good place to store this kind of information. I think this
appeared in E9 though...

Mark W.
We keep a document with what fields are used and for what. It's the
best we can do since there is no way to track it in Epicor.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Waffqle Driggers
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields

Same here.

You can run queries to see if the fields have values, but I don't know
any faster way to check.

Something like

FOR EACH <Table> WHERE Char01 <> "" AND Char02 <> "" .....

just add all the custom fields and change the table each time.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Brian W. Spolarich <
bspolarich@...> wrote:

> We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> what it *means*.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: <> [mailto:
> <>] On Behalf
> Of cooner_55421
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> Hi,
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Access to this e-mail by anyone other than the intended is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not use, copy, distribute or deliver to anyone this message (or any part of its contents) or take any action in reliance on it. In such case, you should destroy this message, and notify us immediately. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail or telephone and delete the e-mail from your system. Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this electronic mail are not given or endorsed by the company unless otherwise indicated by an authorized representative independent of this message.
Here's a thought. Why not devote a UD table to a list of UD fields? Personally, I keep the list on an Excel workbook, but I kind of like what I'm preaching more than what I'm practicing. Use one key field as the table name, and another key field as the field name to prevent duplicate use of a table/field combination. You could easily put together an entry form, and a quick BAQ report to list the assignments. As soon as I have a couple of spare hours, I think I'm going to migrate from my Excel workbook to this setup.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From: [] On Behalf Of Randy Stulce
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:19 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields

We keep a document with what fields are used and for what. It's the
best we can do since there is no way to track it in Epicor.

-----Original Message-----
From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of Waffqle Driggers
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields

Same here.

You can run queries to see if the fields have values, but I don't know
any faster way to check.

Something like

FOR EACH <Table> WHERE Char01 <> "" AND Char02 <> "" .....

just add all the custom fields and change the table each time.

On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 4:47 PM, Brian W. Spolarich <
bspolarich@...<>> wrote:

> We use a Sharepoint list to do it. You're on your own. Its important
> that you keep track not only of the fact that the UDF is in use, but
> what it *means*.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:<> <> [mailto:
><> <>] On Behalf
> Of cooner_55421
> Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:45 PM
> To:<> <>
> Subject: [Vantage] Keeping track of user defined fields
> Hi,
> I've been told by Epicor that there is no way within Vantage to
> that a user field is in use. They suggested that we just keep a list
> fields used.
> Just wondering what you do if you have no up to date list?
> Is there an easy way anybody knows of to find user fields that are
> attached to customizations or a BAQ/Dashboard?
> Thanks,
> Bruce
> ------------------------------------
> Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
> have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access.
> (1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
> and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:
> (2) To search through old msg's goto:
> (3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:
>! Groups Links

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Useful links for the Yahoo!Groups Vantage Board are: ( Note: You must
have already linked your email address to a yahoo id to enable access. )
(1) To access the Files Section of our Yahoo!Group for Report Builder
and Crystal Reports and other 'goodies', please goto:<>
(2) To search through old msg's goto:
(3) To view links to Vendors that provide Vantage services goto:! Groups Links

Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and may be subject to legal privilege and are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Access to this e-mail by anyone other than the intended is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, you may not use, copy, distribute or deliver to anyone this message (or any part of its contents) or take any action in reliance on it. In such case, you should destroy this message, and notify us immediately. If you have received this email in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail or telephone and delete the e-mail from your system. Computer viruses can be transmitted via email. The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the presence of viruses. The company accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email. The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this electronic mail are not given or endors ed by the company unless otherwise indicated by an authorized representative independent of this message.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]