Kinetic dashboard popout vs inline field

We are running 2023.2 and using mostly classic screens. We want to start making the move to Kinetic screens so I thought the dashboard I am working on would be a good place to start learning Application Studio.

I had the dashboard functional using the dashboard designer and used the “generate application” in dashboard deployment to convert it. I was able to clean up a few things and make it work correctly in Application Studio.

The converted version has a pop-out that prompts for the order number. This works fine except for 2 things:

  1. The data in the form starts filling in for all orders in the system until the order number is entered in the pop-out causing the screen to lag.

  2. If you want to enter another order number, I don’t see a way of doing it without closing and reopening the dashboard.

Should I just remove the pop-out and have a field at the top of the form for entry of the order number or am I missing something.

  1. I find this extremely annoying and inefficient, but I’m not sure what to do about it. I’ve considered adding a Where clause to the BAQ that evaluates to false until some action is taken - or checks against a null value and check Honor nulls

  2. You might try adding a button tied to an event that opens the slider with your field on it. It might be really simple!

Thanks Jonathan. Both solid solutions but seems like something we shouldn’t need to do.

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