Wondering if anybody has experienced a similar Issue to this? One of my dashboards will not display all rows properly on kinetic. Rows 3, and 8 are not being fully displayed. Any advice is appreciated! Thank you.
I’m not really familiar with Kinetic, but from what I’ve read, it can be viewed via a web browser. What I would do is veiwe that viea a browser and then use the browsers developer tools (F12 key) to view the CSS and style settings of that element. You can probably even just right click the row, and select Inspect.
Check to see if any style properties are being overridden. In the following example, the color attribute was set as blue (bottom arrow), but then overridden by CSS to be green, which was also overridden to be black.
See if the attributes for the table row are setting the height to something different than the attributes of the other rows.
Is the dashboard customized at all or just a deployed kinetic dashboard nothing special? Use the feedback button to report it sending screenshots and as much info as you can.
No customization, just deployed. Already reported via feedback - no response as of yet. Is there no way for me to resize rows like columns? (besides messing with the CSS as @ckrusen demonstrated)
Same behaviour is observed from web browser and from the embedded browser in the client.
You say there is no customization, but there appears to be different colors applied to different cells/rows. What is driving that?
and my suggestion about looking at the CSS was meant to possibly find the root cause, and not to be a resolution to the problem.
It should be auto line height. Give them some time to respond 24-48 hours and go from there. Looks like a bug. Just make sure it’s reproducible on many PCs or even if you can create another dashboard with the same issue. My guess is the CSS for a row-rule is goofed up and you hit the perfect mark to find it. @bconner thoughts?
And is it normal for Kinetic “grids” to not maintain alignment?
See how the numbers in this column don’t really line up
No customization on top of the dashboard but there are highlighting rules within it. I’ll try and remove them and see if that resolves.
Understand your comment about CSS was about diagnostics. I’m just surprised that I’m unable to manually resize rows like I am able to with columns.
They don’t seem to line up on any table where any colour based filters are applied.
I put in a ticket with support and they were able to replicate. I’ll update the thread if there is a resolution.