Good Morning All,
I have been following hmwillet’s tutorial on adding columns to grids. I did ver 1 and ver 2 and still no success.
Trying to add column to PO Suggestions Grid.
I finally went with the add UD Column to the SugPoDtl table and populate it at the POSugg,GetRowsPlant Post Process.
This shows up in the Debuging Method ( both Chrome Browser and Smart Client Browser) under the PoSugDtl dataview, populated with correct data. But… On the grid, The data wont populate.
As a side benefit, it ( the UD Field) automagically appeared on the Classic PO Suggestions Grid…
I spent less time setting it up and waiting on Cloud Services to Regen the Data Model than reading through the How To ( I read rather slow and several times, a very in depth How To Hannah ) .
To me, it seems a lot easier to go the UD field technique , all though it does store the same Data twice…
I know I selected the correct binding on the Column, It was part of the dropdown selections.
Anyway… Has anybody ran across this ? Am I missing something ?? NOt sure what to screenshot as reference…
p.s. The Client Debug is rather cumbersome, I had to Copy All with Headers to Excel to be able to freeze the top row to see what was there. Minor but thankful can copy out.