Kinetic Grid UD field not Displaying

Good Morning All,

I have been following hmwillet’s tutorial on adding columns to grids. I did ver 1 and ver 2 and still no success.
Trying to add column to PO Suggestions Grid.
I finally went with the add UD Column to the SugPoDtl table and populate it at the POSugg,GetRowsPlant Post Process.
This shows up in the Debuging Method ( both Chrome Browser and Smart Client Browser) under the PoSugDtl dataview, populated with correct data. But… On the grid, The data wont populate.

As a side benefit, it ( the UD Field) automagically appeared on the Classic PO Suggestions Grid…
I spent less time setting it up and waiting on Cloud Services to Regen the Data Model than reading through the How To ( I read rather slow and several times, a very in depth How To Hannah :+1:) .

To me, it seems a lot easier to go the UD field technique , all though it does store the same Data twice… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I know I selected the correct binding on the Column, It was part of the dropdown selections.

Anyway… Has anybody ran across this ? Am I missing something ?? NOt sure what to screenshot as reference…



p.s. The Client Debug is rather cumbersome, I had to Copy All with Headers to Excel to be able to freeze the top row to see what was there. Minor but thankful can copy out.

As an afterthought, Should I go after updating the SuggPoDtl table with the related data at creation/change of the record ? That way it will persist ??

The above mentioned method does not update the data, just passes the results( per record) .

Have you confirmed that the UD data is in the dataset in the browser debug tools?

Yes it is

Here is the Grid Model Columns
