Labor Adapter Blank Title 88738

I'm trying to change a field in the LaborHed table through a labor adapter, but I'm not having any luck. Can anyone help me?

Our problem is that we can't change the payroll hours after the records are posted. The posting has nothing to do with payroll hours, but the Labor Edit screen locks out every change. I'm trying to find a way around it, so I took a UD table form, and brought in the LaborHed table through the adapter. I used a dataset to show the data in a grid, and I was able to change the data through code, and on the screen, but it won't save it to the table. Here's what I have that almost works, except for the saving to the original LaborHed table.

Dim dteDate as Date = CDate(dteDateSelect.DateTime)
Dim strEmpNum as string = txtEmpNum.Text
Dim aLaborList As LaborAdapter = New LaborAdapter([UD22Form])
Dim strWhereClause as string
Dim MorePages as Boolean
strWhereClause = "PayrollDate = " & dteDate & " AND EmployeeNum = '" & strEmpNum & "'"

Dim opts As SearchOptions = New SearchOptions(SearchMode.AutoSearch)
Dim LaborRec As Data.DataSet = aLaborList.GetRows(opts,MorePages)
Dim decStartTime As Decimal = LaborRec.Tables("LaborHed").Rows(0)("ClockInTime")
Dim decEndTime As Decimal = LaborRec.Tables("LaborHed").Rows(0)("ClockOutTime")
Dim decPayHrs As Decimal = LaborRec.Tables("LaborHed").Rows(0)("PayHours")
Dim intRound as integer = decStartTime*4
Dim IntRoundEnd as integer = decEndTime*4
aLaborList.LaborData.LaborHed.Number02Column=IntRoundEnd/4 LaborRec.Tables("LaborHed").Rows(0)("Number01") = IntRound/4
LaborRec.Tables("LaborHed").Rows(0)("Number02") = IntRoundEnd/4
LaborRec.Tables("LaborHed").Rows(0)("Number03") = IntRoundEnd/4 - IntRound/4
ugdAttend.DataSource = LaborRec

Thank you!