Labor Entry and Row Rules

Maybe this is one for Vic as well since he answered my previous
question specific to Labor Entry and Row Rules.

I added the oTrans.Refresh() trigger on the Update() method and it
causes the rule to fire as expected. The rule is if LaborHed.TotLbrHrs
> LaborHed.DspPayHours to show LaborHed.TotLbrHrs in the Error style
(red). The point being that if the sum of the hours on the LaborDtl
records exceeds the Pay Hours for the LaborHed record, that's a problem
and will cause a variance (we don't care about the opposite problem of
unallocated hours).

However sometimes we're seeing situations where the hours appear to be
the same (the values in the boxes are the same), and refreshing the
record doesn't fix the rule condition state. However if we change the
LaborDtl hours, save, and then change them back it fixes the problem.

I'm just wondering if there's a way to trigger some proper
re-evaluation of the rule condition or if this is a bug that we'll have
to live with.



Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix /

<mailto:bspolarich@...> ~ 734-864-5618 ~ <>

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