PDR should match to labordtl.laborrate * labordtl.laborhrs. Ensure the following with notes in parentheses.
labordtl.company eq "your-company"
labordtl.activetrans eq no (skip active transactions)
labordtl.payrolldate ge date-1 and labordtl.payrolldate le date-2
labordtl.hedseq ne 0 (skip adjustments)
You also may need to: round(labordtl.laborrate * labordtl.laborhrs,2)
labordtl.company eq "your-company"
labordtl.activetrans eq no (skip active transactions)
labordtl.payrolldate ge date-1 and labordtl.payrolldate le date-2
labordtl.hedseq ne 0 (skip adjustments)
You also may need to: round(labordtl.laborrate * labordtl.laborhrs,2)
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Clunn
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 3:17 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Labor Rate Posted to Jobs
PDR may be using the costing labor rates setup by operation
(OpMaster.ProdLRate). You can adjust your operation standards in the
Operation Master Maintenance. The Labor Detail table shows the
employee's "Labor Rate" (EmpBasic.LaborRate) which is setup in the
Employee maintenance (under Finance --> Payroll), which is also not
necessarily the same as their "Pay Rate" (that's another field in the
payroll table).
No matter which rate is used, it shouldn't come out that far off.
From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf
Of brucewbrannan
Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 4:19 PM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] Labor Rate Posted to Jobs
Vantage 6.1:
We are trying to write a report to examine labor details. When we
print a production detail report and compare to our new report. We
are multiplying the LaborDtl.LaborHrs * LaborDtl.LaborRate per line
and then summing all the lines. Our report's numbers are 6-7 times
higher than the production detail report. Obviously, our rate is
incorrect, but where can we find the rate that the production detail
report is using?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Bruce Brannan
Engineered Products Dept.
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