Actually, the issue is caused by the inability for the server version to be replacing the local version. Usually if versions are not the same, Epicor copies back from the server to the local computer Epicor folder.
What we are doing to resolve this is the following:
Delete the Epicor folder under c:\ProgramData\Epicor
We then rightclick on the Epicor shortcut and select Run as Admin.
That does the trick.
Answered my own question as we tried this and found we only needed to use the “Run as Admin” once and then after that the user was able to login normal and the Language Resource Generation window no longer displays.
One thing we did different was we renamed the c:\ProgramData\Epicor instead of deleting to be safe but the process does create a new folder so deleting would have been fine.
BTW…I should mention that prior to finding this post we worked with Epicor Support who had us do multiple things of which none worked. THANK YOU Pierre!!!
If anyone is interested, after 5 weeks of waiting and working with Epicor Support they were able to determine what was causing our “Language Resource Generation” to occur for some users each time they logged in into Epicor. They determined that there were custom English translation stings installed (under System Setup > System Maintenance >Language Maintenance) which would cause the Language Resource Generation process to run during user login for any user who was configured to use English in the User Account Security (a blank value for language is English).
They could not determine how this custom translation got in our environment – we did not put it there. It was a “system” translation so we didn’t even have access to update it. It was there when we upgraded to 2021.2.11 and 2021.2.13 in our PILOT environment. We are not sure about prior as we never looked in Language Maintenance until we upgraded to 2021.2.11 in PILOT and started to have this issue.
It was also in our CLIENT (Live/Prod) environment when we upgraded to 2021.2.11 but somehow not when we upgraded to 2021.2.13. Epicor could not trace back the origin or why it was not in our live environment after 3/22 when we got the 2021.2.13 upgrade.
Once the custom translation was no longer in our environments, the resolution was to delete the “EN” folder in our C:\Epicor\GOV\Client-Pilot and C:\Epicor\GOV\Client folders and log back into each environment…the Language Resource Generation utility no longer ran. Epicor Support determined that we did not need the “EN” folder. We renamed vs. deleted…just in case.
This custom translation caused 3 different issues for us – if you are interested the different case numbers were: CS0002982506, CS0003012262, CS0002954916
In our case the custom translation was in our Pilot environment but not in our Live(Prod) environment. We are in the Cloud so Epicor Support restored our Pilot with a copy of the Live database. Then we delete/renamed the “EN” folders. You could try just renaming the folders first and see if it resolves or if you need a refresh. It has been a while and we had 3 different cases/issues that were all resolved by this.
I went to Language Maintenance and deleted the language files using the actions from the menu. I noticed that nothing in the list changed (it still shows the single english translation that is a system thing). However, after deleting the files from the action menu, and then deleting the “en” folder, it seems to have gotten rid of that pop up. I did this in both live and pilot with good results. Thanks!
Curious…were the language files you deleted installed? When I go into Language Maintenance and search with “Installed” check I have no files. Not sure what this looked like for us back when we originally had the issue.