Last Cost and Stock Status Report

One of the problems with As of Date in the stock status – it uses the last cost as of the date you run it –


It can back calculate the quantity on hand but, not the cost.


From: []
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2015 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Last Cost and Stock Status Report



Yes, I can see where my inventory was re-evaluated to my "new" last cost.  This is my concern/confusion:  using my original example, if I ran a Stock Status Report on 7/31/2015, it would show 32 Widgets at $8.91 each.  But, if I looked at any Material Transactions between 7/31/2015 and 9/2/2015, it would cost my widgets at $10.97.


Maybe the problem is the Epicor report is just wrong since it doesn't accurately show my Material Stock Status at a given point in time.  It would seem that it should be able to use the "correct" price at that time since it is kept in PartTran.


It makes it very difficult on our Accounting Department to close the previous month if values are adjusting while they are trying to close.


~ Charlie Payne

This may be a case of me missing something...

On April 6, I put 32 Widgets in stock at a value of $10.97 each.  On September 3, I received 30 more Widgets into stock at a value of $8.91 each.  Because we run Last Cost, the value of all our widgets is now $8.91.

I would think that when I run a Stock Status Report through August 31, Epicor would show I have 30 Widgets at $10.97 each.  Instead, it shows I have 30 widgets at $8.91 each.  In fact, if I run the report through April 7 (the day after I put 32 Widgets in stock at $10.97) it shows we have 32 at $8.91.

Is there something I am missing?  We are running Epicor 10.


Charlie Payne

No. Last cost is simply that. Your inventory is re-evaluated to the last cost and it stands that way for all reports. You should see an ADJ-CST transaction adjusting the existing inventory at the time of the lower cost entry. The Stock status report is using the current cost, even though you are postdating the report. You are seeing the postdated quantity with the current cost because that quantity was cost adjusted.


Charlie Smith



From: []
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2015 9:28 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Last Cost and Stock Status Report



This may be a case of me missing something...


On April 6, I put 32 Widgets in stock at a value of $10.97 each.  On September 3, I received 30 more Widgets into stock at a value of $8.91 each.  Because we run Last Cost, the value of all our widgets is now $8.91.


I would think that when I run a Stock Status Report through August 31, Epicor would show I have 30 Widgets at $10.97 each.  Instead, it shows I have 30 widgets at $8.91 each.  In fact, if I run the report through April 7 (the day after I put 32 Widgets in stock at $10.97) it shows we have 32 at $8.91.


Is there something I am missing?  We are running Epicor 10.



Charlie Payne

Yes, I can see where my inventory was re-evaluated to my "new" last cost.  This is my concern/confusion:  using my original example, if I ran a Stock Status Report on 7/31/2015, it would show 32 Widgets at $8.91 each.  But, if I looked at any Material Transactions between 7/31/2015 and 9/2/2015, it would cost my widgets at $10.97.

Maybe the problem is the Epicor report is just wrong since it doesn't accurately show my Material Stock Status at a given point in time.  It would seem that it should be able to use the "correct" price at that time since it is kept in PartTran.

It makes it very difficult on our Accounting Department to close the previous month if values are adjusting while they are trying to close.

~ Charlie Payne