Link RFQ and POs

I am trying to display the PO number in the RFQ Entry. Since most of the tme a PO is created from one RFQ the relationship is 1 to 1. However, there is no direct relationship between PO and RFQs in the databse. The only place I have found some kind of common data is in the Job Tracker/Purchase Order which basically shows the PO that was created for that assy/mtl. The job tracker also displays the RFQ in the Material RFQ tab. My problem is that the RFQ Number is in the JobMtl table but the PO shows a source: MtlsPO which I assume is not a real table since I cant find it anywhere in teh Data Dictionary. I am attemting to complete this by using BPMs. Did anyone try something like this?


Lissette Contreras