Thanks A LOT for taking the time out to provide me with such a
thorough reply!! I REALLY appreciate that brother! My Parts fields
are updating now as they should. I failed to set the fields I wanted
updated in all companies in Global Table Maintenance. Thanks again!!
--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich " <bspolarich@...>
Thanks A LOT for taking the time out to provide me with such a
thorough reply!! I REALLY appreciate that brother! My Parts fields
are updating now as they should. I failed to set the fields I wanted
updated in all companies in Global Table Maintenance. Thanks again!!
--- In, "Brian W. Spolarich " <bspolarich@...>
> Sal, that sort of how it is supposed to work. Here's the deal with
> Global Parts (and Customers, Suppliers, etc.) I've been working with
> Customers and Suppliers, and we're in a multi-company situation as well,
> although our parts aren't shared between companies, but the others are
> (we have a centralized AP and AR group).
> First, remember that "every company stands alone" in Vantage. Every
> table has as its part of its composite primary key the Company column,
> and the business objects always use the currently-selected company as
> their first filtering criteria for every update. So all of the data you
> interact with has to be defined in the current company. This means
> there is no central "master file" by design. You could carve off a
> company and put it on a separate server or database (although to my
> knowledge Epicor doesn't offer a utility to do this yet). I suspect
> this architecture is intended to support scalability as well as company
> acquisition or sale situations.
> Linking records between companies works like this:
> 1. You mark a record in the "parent" company as Global and save
> the change.
> 2. MultiCompany process runs once per minute, looks at the config
> defined in System Management/External System Integration/External
> Company Maintenance, sees the new global record, and determines what
> companies this global record could be "sent to" for potential linking.
> You could choose to send Parts, but not Customers for example.
> 3. Staging through the IM* tables MultiCompany with the help of
> Sonic creates a GlobalCustomer/Part/Vendor record in each target
> company. If anything goes wrong Integrated the MultiCompany.log file
> will tell you what happened, and you'll see its progress in high-level
> detail.
> 4. Now you have a GlobalPart record (or whatever) that you can
> link to from the "child" company. However you do still have to do the
> linking.
> In terms of updates, Global Table maintenance (same place as External
> Company Maint) lets you define from any given source company what fields
> should be updated between linked entities. What we discovered in our
> implementation is that you need to define the same set of fields on
> "both sides" of the relationship. Basically we went into each company,
> and for each of the other companies just sent all of the fields for the
> stuff we're sharing. This is non-intuitive, but nothing happened until
> we did this (at least in .405).
> There is an action in Ext. Comp. Maint. called "Initialize
> MultiCompany Global Part/Supplier/Customer" but it is intended for use
> in situations where you've created a new company and now want to
> initialize the Global* table with the linkable records for the stuff
> that already exists in the parent company.
> In terms of linking, yes you have to do the linking of the records you
> want to use yourself. Vantage doesn't provide a "link everything" tool.
> For our first implementation I tried to develop a ServiceConnect
> workflow that would do this after tracing the activity in the client,
> but I didn't understand what I was seeing well enough to do it, and so
> we resorted to using a GUI scripting tool to automate the process via
> mouseclicks on the client. Not elegant, but it worked for us initially.
> I'm working on developing the SC workflows for linking customers and
> suppliers now so we don't have to do the GUI automation thing again. I
> can share my results when I have them.
> Once you have linked the record, it is not updateable in the child
> company, and the only way to update it is to either 1) update it in the
> parent company or 2) set the "Global Lock" flag which disables updates
> from the parent company. This makes sense - you have to decide which
> side of the relationship is authoritative. We decided just to send
> everything from the parent company, but it may be the case that if you
> send only a subset of fields from the parent you can maintain some data
> centrally and some at the child company level. That just occurred to me
> now.
> Hope this helps.
> -brian
> --
> Brian W. Spolarich ~ Manager, Information Services ~ Advanced Photonix /
> Picometrix
> bspolarich@... ~ 734-864-5618 ~
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of idiabos
> Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Vantage] Linked Parts Issues?
> Hello I am new to Vantage and just completed setting up the
> Multi-Company Process and SonicMQ to link our Parts Master across 4
> companies. The functionality of this is not that great from what I
> see so I was wondering if I don't have things set up properly. After
> I mark a Part has Global in Company 1 and the Multi-Company Process
> runs I don't see the Part in the Parts Masters of the other Companies
> until I go into to "Link Part" tab and manually Link the newly
> available Global Part. Can this be easily automated? Another thing I
> notice is that if I change a Global Part in one Company I have to go
> into the other Companies and "Unlink" that particular part then ReLink
> it so that the changes come through. Am I missing something or is
> this how this functionality is supposed to work? Thanks!!
> -Sal
> .
> <
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