Looking for a Report - Late Jobs

Hi everyone!
Today I am hunting for a canned report. If I can’t find a suitable report, I intend to make one. My business question is pretty limited in details.
Which jobs are late, how late, and what operation is the job stalled at?

I have looked at the schedule impact report, but it doesn’t show operation details.
I have also looked at the production details report. But I can’t run this report wide open for all jobs. Kinetic forces me to only choose the top 200 records. Also, the production details report doesn’t include any information about the lateness of the job.

I think the goal is to make sure late jobs don’t slip between the cracks.
What do you all use for this kind of question? Thanks!

Hey Nate, it’s not a canned report but we have a BAQ/Dash “Late Operations” that displays any non-completed operations where joboper.duedate < getdate().

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I just whipped up a similar BAQ. However I see some strangeness here. My Job’s days late field doesn’t appear to be correct based on the JobHead.ReqDueDate. In many cases the days late has a positive value, but the req due date is in the future.

Is that why you ended up using the operation due date rather than the JobHead.DaysLate? I’d love to see a copy if you’re able to share.

Edit I think I see what I was confused by. DaysLate has both positive and negative values. I guess negative value in days late, is really the positive number of days late. So confusing!

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I didn’t setup the BAQ but I believe why we go with the Operation so we see where the hold up is.

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