Here's an example of one of the graphs. Imagine a new point being added to
this graph each day. The name of the graph ("Danny") comes from all the
product groups for which Danny is responsible (as defined by PersonID in the
ProdGroup structure). In this case, today Danny's product groups have about
95 orders which have not yet been linked to jobs.
Does that clarify what we're trying to do?
-- Sam
-----Original Message-----
From: H. Dale Puls [mailto:
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 8:40 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Looking for programming assistance
Well... yes,
Could you be a little more specific on what your specific needs are?
Dale Puls
Pacesetter Electronics
-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Southard [mailto:
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2000 10:42 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Looking for programming assistance
We have an immediate need for someone familiar with linking Vantage data
with a basic graphical presentation. We have a set of reports which we
currently input into Excel spreadsheets, updating line charts which show
progress in certain areas (such as unlinked orders, or operations scheduled
late). This process takes a couple of hours each day.
We'd like to have the process run automatically each night (or each weekday
night) so that our management can just push a button or two in the morning
and see the graphs. We don't really care how it's done, whether through
Progress, ODBC, Access, or anything else.
Is there anyone out there who has expertise in this area?
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