Mac Interface for Vantage

Michelle, we are effectively accessing Vantage in the PC world and the Mac
world. We have done this by installing Citrix software on a Windows
terminal server and the Mac client portion of Citrix on the MacIntosh
computers in house. This allows Mac users to log into our server and use
Vantage just as if they were PC's. The cool thing is that you are always
still only accessing one database. Incidentally, Citrix also allows remote
users to log on and use Vantage just as if they were here in our building.
It's pretty neat also if you ever want to work from home!!
Hope this helps.

Frank D'Andrea
Pine Valley Packaging Ltd.
Concord, Ontario

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Stewart [mailto:Michelle.Stewart@...]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 2:57 PM
Subject: [Vantage] Mac Interface for Vantage

Does anyone know of how I can get Vantage to network both with PC's and
Mac's? I've heard of Microsoft's Terminal Services Windows 2000 Server and
I've gone to their web site but does anyone have any practical hands-on with
this (or other options) and Vantage?

Michelle Stewart
Phylrich International
323-467-3143 phone
323-467-5897 fax

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Does anyone know of how I can get Vantage to network both with PC's and Mac's? I've heard of Microsoft's Terminal Services Windows 2000 Server and I've gone to their web site but does anyone have any practical hands-on with this (or other options) and Vantage?

Michelle Stewart
Phylrich International
323-467-3143 phone
323-467-5897 fax

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]