Anyone know how to update the username, password and access key for the UPS carrier within Manifest? I go to the Admin->Carriers->UPS->Facilities tab and see the fields, but they are empty and read only. I queried the carriers table and see the data there and could do a direct SQL write, but I don’t want to circumvent the system.
Some background, we started implementing Manifest a few years back and put the project on hold. We are now restarting and found the credentials are stale. To make matters worse, the account was created for us by a consultant so we cannot even log into UPS and reset the password not knowing the email address the account was created with. We are running version 4.0.1 of Manifest and want to get the sandbox working as is before we upgrade to the latest version.
I think QS support did that for me when I went to 5 and I don’t recall having to have anything from my UPS account except our account number.
They also have a demo setup for UPS and FedEx that allows you to ship in a sandbox/test without actually generating valid tracking numbers. I found the FedEx setup in the online help Quick Ship but can’t find the UPS demo account information except that it uses rather than one of them also requires a certain address, but i can’t find that info.
Thank you for the reply Greg. I ended up creating a new test UPS account and updated the table directly and now things work as expected. Couldn’t find a way to update the credentials via the GUI.
FedEx was just being stubborn the day I was testing. It just started working with the original test account.